Aktueller Track:
Big Freedom

Musik für professionelle audiovisuelle Media-Produktionen – Sync directly from Artist Label ToneWork Records

Musik für professionelle audiovisuelle Media-Produktionen – Sync directly from Artist Label ToneWork Records

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TW2314 - Drama War Tension

Contemporary Hybrid Orchestra Themes

The Wall
Dark, ominous, hybrid orchestra theme with drum accents, a mysterious force controls people, for film, TV, documentary, trailers

Version: Main
Länge: 1:36 min

Lyrical cantabile piano theme opens up a well of inspiration, for film, TV, docu, period drama

Version: Main
Länge: 1:00 min

Propaganda Machine
Contemporary orchestra, grand and uplifting, people are excited about what they see and hear, for film, tv, docu, trailers

Version: Main
Länge: 1:29 min

Mental State
Psychic atmosphere with strings and hybrid sound design, ominous, subtle tension, for film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:22 min

Contemporary string arrangements and hybrid texture, danger is imminent, film, TV, crime, war, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:37 min

Piano with modern strings and hybrid sound design, memories of a different time, film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:24 min

Cinematic, dramatic, dark orchestra, a historic monumental event in our history, film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:58 min

Better Times
Memorable piano string theme, romantic uplifting, there is always hope for someting better, film, TV, docu, period drama

Version: Main
Länge: 1:34 min

Contemporary dark string arrangements, atmospheric hybrid sound design, a dark and sinister place, film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:02 min

Unknown Soldier
Dramatic, cinematic, brass and strings, the hero who lost his life to save others, film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:31 min

Brain Data
Modern ominous, eerie strings, pulsating hybrid sound texture, sensitive data is compromised, film, TV, docu, news

Version: Main
Länge: 1:33 min

Dynamic, dramatic, strings with hybrid pulsating synth pads, highly emotional moments, film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:29 min

Evil Times
Dark, hybrid pulsating synth pads, psychic haunting scenery, film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:37 min

Mysterious, enigmatic strings, deep bass movements, evil is looming around the corner, for film, tv, docu, crime investigation

Version: Main
Länge: 1:02 min

Time Machine
Modern piano theme with hybrid pulsating synth, no threshold between past and future, film, TV, doc

Version: Main
Länge: 2:14 min

Gaining Ground
Hybrid sound design, deep brass, strings and pounding drums, time is running out, for film, TV, docu

Version: Main
Länge: 1:37 min

Invisible Enemy
Dynamic pulsating celli movements over hybrid sound design, more evidence is emerging, film, TV, docu, news

Version: Main
Länge: 1:32 min