Aktueller Track:
Big Freedom

Musik für professionelle audiovisuelle Media-Produktionen – Sync directly from Artist Label ToneWork Records

Musik für professionelle audiovisuelle Media-Produktionen – Sync directly from Artist Label ToneWork Records

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Folgende Tracks zu Stimmung 'traurig' wurden gefunden:

TW3821 - Future World

Weeping Planet
Melancholic and thoughtful, heroic epic cue, let's try to save the world

Version: Main
Länge: 3:25 min

Weeping Planet Underscore
Hybrid, atmospheric, electronic texture with handdrums and deep drum accents

Version: Underscore
Länge: 3:25 min

TW3218 - That Which I Love Destroys Me

Constant Fear
Atmospheric singing bowls with string accompaniment and deep pulses

Version: Main
Länge: 2:39 min

Dark and powerful textures mixed with electric and pulse elements

Version: Main
Länge: 1:46 min