Musik für professionelle audiovisuelle Media-Produktionen – Sync directly from Artist Label ToneWork Records
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TW3218 - That Which I Love Destroys Me
A Documentary about American Soldiers returning home from the War in Iraq fighting severe mental trauma
That Which I Love Destroys Me Provoking piano theme accompanied by strings
Version: Main Länge: 1:58 min
A Dangerous Job Atmospheric, dark textures portraying a soldiers experiences in the war zone
Version: Main Länge: 1:11 min
The Accident Dramatic duduk and piano theme with underlying strings and pulses
Version: Main Länge: 4:29 min
My Experience Atmospheric acoustic and electric guitar theme
Version: Main Länge: 3:25 min
Scars of War Emotional duduk and oud score with oriental influences
Version: Main Länge: 1:53 min
Struggle With PTSD Gently flowing rhythmic solo piano theme
Version: Main Länge: 2:31 min
Parallel World Traumatic string textures with native instruments, pulses, and drones
Version: Main Länge: 2:43 min
Constant Fear Atmospheric singing bowls with string accompaniment and deep pulses
Version: Main Länge: 2:39 min
The Drama Ponderous solo piano theme telling a personal traumatic experience
Version: Main Länge: 2:14 min
Suicidal Dark and powerful textures mixed with electric and pulse elements
Version: Main Länge: 1:46 min
That's Normal Atmospheric duduk and string theme with native instruments
Version: Main Länge: 1:00 min
Fellow Sufferer Forward moving, atmospheric marimba, piano, and string textures
Version: Main Länge: 1:43 min
Confronting The Fear Pulsating cellos with electronic percussive elements
Version: Main Länge: 1:49 min
The Challenge Pulses and dark textures joined by atmospheric string themes building to a dramatic climax with acoustic guitar outro
Version: Main Länge: 5:16 min
I Did It Acoustic guitar intro followed by strings and pulses forming a uplifting action theme
Version: Main Länge: 2:46 min
Reach Out Positive acoustic guitar theme accompanied by strings tells the audacious story of hope
Version: Main Länge: 1:35 min
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